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E-file Machines Warranty Conditions

Warranty repair rules

There are terms and rules when a repair can be recognized as a warranty!

During the period established by the warranty of 6 months if: the machine or the handle is defected through no fault of the customer.

1) Warranty case

The seller (manufacturer) recognizes the case as a warranty and makes repairs if none of the above points is violated.

The handle and the machine can be disassembled or repaired exclusively by the manufacturer!

2) Non-warranty case

The seller (manufacturer) is not obliged to eliminate defects free of charge and make a refund if the defects arose through the fault of the buyer:

* the handle or machine was disassembled by the buyer;

* if the handle or the machine was repaired in another workshop (not by the manufacturer);

* non-reckless operation (fall or hit from a height);

* misuse;

* improper transportation or storage of goods.

According to the law, the seller is obliged to accept the goods even if the case is not guaranteed, but in this case, repairs and sending the goods to the manufacturer are at the buyer's expense.

In the case of a defect of the machine or the handle, the buyer can only contact the store where the product was purchased!